Thursday, April 12, 2012

An Open Letter About My Health...

I haven't written in quite some time on this blog. Something I'm not proud of as I told myself that I wanted to commit to become a better writer. To become a better writer, one must write! So, I will do better in that regard.

Over the past few months, I've been on a journey to improve my health. Some of you may know (and some may not know) that I have type 2 diabetes. I've had diabetes since November 2004. This disease is very prevalent on both sides of my family and even as a child, I was told, "It's not if you'll get it, but when it will catch up with you." This meant nothing to me, even when I was diagnosed since I felt I was young and this wasn't something that I should take seriously.

In addition to having diabetes, I am what my doctor calls, atypical. In short, this means I don't exhibit many of the signs that most diabetics have when they sugar levels are either too high or too low. This didn't help my attitude towards this silent, but potentially deadly disease.

To make a long story short, I've decided to take this thing head on. So I began a diet protocol that helped me lose 40+ pounds. My starting weight was 263 lbs, and I currently weigh 223 lbs. But more than that, my levels have been great, and I'm awaiting the results of my A1C test (the test that measures your sugar over a period of time). It was so encouraging from family and friend during this process. It wasn't easy, but I was motivated to make this goal a reality. I'm not where I want to be (205-210 lbs is MY goal), but I'm on my way.

While on the diet, I was restricted from any physical exercise. During that time, I begin to read and prayerfully consider what my next steps would to continue this journey of healthy living. After reading and looking at some friends who I admire, I decided that I wanted to take running up going forward. For me, one who's never played organized sports, nor considers himself athletically inclined, this would be a stretch. But one that I'm taken very seriously.

I started this week with walking/jogging and I can already see that I'm going to be addicted. Today, I visited a local runners sports shop (1st Place Sports - San Marco) with the goal of learning more about "Running 101" and a new pair of shoes to continue this journey of health/wellness. I'm grateful to Brian Doyle (San Marco's Manager) for taking the time to take an analysis of my feet, my walk, etc. and answer all of the questions I had about this lifestyle.

I also have begun to post my times on FB. Not for pride's sake, but as an added since of both accountability and encouragement. I know this isn't going to be an overnight process, but a lifestyle. I'm grateful for all of the support I've received thus far from many family and friends alike. I'm looking forward to my first 5k on June 9th, 2012 here in Jacksonville, Florida ( My life is important to me and I have much to live for. I'm learning that now. This is more than just about fitness, but it's about making a priority of my health.

See you on the pavement...